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Illinois Supreme Court announces INBLF Chicago Member Kerry Peck as Chair of Commission on Elder Law Peck, Kerry R.

Peck Ritchey LLC | International Network of Boutique and Independent Law Firms

The Illinois Supreme Court announced today a new order establishing the Supreme Court Commission on Elder Law (Commission). INBLF congratulates Kerry Peck, of Peck Ritchey, LLC, on his appointment by the Illinois Supreme Court to Chair the Supreme Court Commission on Elder Law. The Network is thrilled to have esteemed attorneys like Kerry in INBLF.

“Older Adults are vulnerable, require protection and are exposed to a unique set of circumstances,” Peck said. “This commission will evaluate the risks older adults face and propose solutions to the Supreme Court. I am honored to be appointed as Chair by the Supreme Court and thank the Court for their support.”

You can read the full announcement from the Illinois State Bar Association here on their website.


Commission on Elder Law, Elder Law, peck ritchey